Freak Bloodline - An interstellar adventure AWAits! Barnes & Noble. Amazon.

In this thrilling sci-fi fantasy, delve into space travel, habitable worlds, artificial intelligence, paranormal intrigue, and romance.

The story

the interstellar journey of Jaynie Parker

Freak Bloodline is a sci-fi fantasy novel about the wild journey of Jaynie Parker, as she discovers her extrasensory ability is the key to other worlds and that higher forces have been carving out her fate in an alien land.


The characters


Jaynie Parker

Jaynie would like nothing more than to not be psychic. Beyond betting on horseracing, she’s never found much use for her sixth sense. She’s a young entrepreneur trying to live a normal life, but her peace is shattered when she becomes haunted by a mysterious man named Ethan. He stalks her through a multi-dimensional portal. Then she endures a disturbing vision in which he says they are family. Jaynie thinks she’s losing her mind, but she comes to realize Ethan is not a phantom dream character, but a real threat.

On a hot July night in Washington, DC, Ethan abducts her to a planet, twenty-seven light years from Earth. In a strange world with talking insects and giant slugs, she learns that her psychic ability is the gateway to solving the mysterious disappearance of her aunt decades earlier.


Ethan WolfenstEIn

Ethan, an alien-human hybrid, lives with his robots on an abandoned planet in the Milky Way. He’s a brilliant scientist, but isolated and lonely. When Ethan discovers he and Jaynie share a family connection, he becomes obsessed and abducts her to his world. He wants to connect with Jaynie, but he has to learn what it means to be human first. His paranoid quest to extract revenge on the space station where he grew up threatens the bond they develop.


Harry Lindstrom

A headless cyborg and shadow figure from Ethan’s distant past, Harry is stuck on a frozen world with nowhere to go until he starts having visions of Jaynie, a woman he’s never met before. Harry, a killing machine with a compassionate soul, is willing to undertake a dangerous mission to reclaim his humanity.

“A fantastic building rose out of the mountain, like a gush of lava that froze once it reached the sky.”

“Onyx windows glistened in the sun. The alien architecture was unlike anything she’d seen or read about. It surpassed the surrealism of Dali.”

“Jed took off his breastplate. “I’m going to jump on the armor, and you’re going to ride on top. Run to me when I tell you to.”

He threw his armor on the ice. Jed leapt on it, and he slid away.

“Now, Jaynie!”

She ran and jumped on top of him. They rode the armor like a speeding sled. A long swath of ice tore alongside them, getting wider and closer. They were about to crash into the snowy embankment.”


About the Author

Tamara Holub is a librarian and worked for many years in higher education as an administrator and researcher. She wrote blogs for the Los Angeles Public Library and articles for a national education organization. She studied Anthropology at UCLA and mines her educational and professional background for worldbuilding.

Tamara loves to travel, garden, design jewelry, and spend time with her family.

Her favorite science fiction novel is Solaris by Stanislaw Lem, because it is the finest example of the challenge humans would face in trying to understand an alien intelligence. She grew up reading Omni magazine and was addicted to both the 1978-79 and 2004-09 television iterations of Battlestar Galactica.

Tamara was inspired to write Freak Bloodline when she read a Washington Post article about the 50th Anniversary of the UFO Sightings over the U.S. Capitol.


If you’d like to learn more about Freak Bloodline, please send me a message and I’ll be in touch.